Monday, June 2, 2008

Acne laser treatment and does all birth control prevent acne

Some people with severe acne may need to consult a dermatologist for help with their acne outbreaks. A dermatologist may suggest a cleansing program, use lights or lasers to treat and prevent breakouts, or prescribe special acne medication. If you are prescribed medication, you should be wary of the side effects, as most acne medication can be very harsh, even toxic.
Although drugs prescribed for acne nowadays are very efficient, doctors often don't explain what causes acne and how they can help their condition. "Stay away from chocolate and burgers," they say! We now know staying away from chocolate and burgers, unless you have an allergy to some of the ingredients, isn't going to make any difference to your acne. However, it has been proved that drinking fizzy drinks especially coke will give you spots.
So what causes acne? Why do you have it? You see acne might be a reason of natural body causes such as hormonal changes and so on but often acne is a result of our lousy habits. We don't even realize what harm we are doing to our bodies till the time we actually see it on our face in the form of acne or pimples. Read on to discover some of the most deadliest reasons why we have acne...
tags: best light treatment for acne, best over the counter acne treatments, home remedy for back acne

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